K, I just adore this family. You know when you meet someone and you just know you would be good friends? That's Sara! I just love this mama, you can tell by the way her kids treat one another that she is so loving and sweet to her kids. Mom goals for sure. And aren't her boys just the handsomest?! Arranging marriages for sure!
This little family is so cute and easy going. Emily loves her boys so much. And her little guy is a little boyfriend. Enjoy some heavenly photos.
There is nothing quite like witnessing siblings meeting their brand new, tiny, adorable, addition. The love in the room was so thick you could cut it in half. And if you are wondering, yes, of course I cried. I always do when photographing these perfect, little, miracles. He is straight from Heaven.
I was in a grumpy mood coming into this photoshoot. There's something about having a head ache, and having all four of your kids scream at you in the car that can really just set my mood down a few notches. Well, the Mickelsen kids really healed my sour mood. They are so funny and full to the brim of personality. I think I laughed more at their house in that one hour than I did all week. Gentry runs her home in a way that you just don't want to leave her house. Her home is full of love, comfort, good smells, and happy vibes. These photos make me smile, and I think I'll return to their daughter's pirate face photo for a pick me up when I'm having a bad day. So here's to funny families, and real life photos.
Crying because sister wouldn't hold his hand.
One day Zoe wrote her name all over every single toy she owned with a permanent marker. This is a remnant of her art work.